A conscious and reassuring choice.
The world of VAT is in a constant state of flux. Where last year your affairs were in order, suddenly this year, that may no longer be the case. Without even knowing about it, this can cause you considerable problems. A VAT scan offers a solution and can quickly show any risks you may be running.
There is scope for capitalizing on opportunities without running risks. Perhaps you’re properly following the rules, but not maximizing the benefits? This is something we often see with non-profit organizations. The VAT scan will shine a light on your options.
We’ll look at your activities, income, and expenditure to map your complete VAT landscape. Which income is taxed, exempt, or outside of the scope of VAT? And, if income is taxed, in which countries and at what rate? Have you had VAT remittances when you shouldn’t have, or perhaps the other way around? What options do you have for deducting VAT in advance and after the fact?
We look back at previous returns to see if there’s anything we can do about them. We verify the current status of your VAT affairs to check that everything is as it should be. We also look ahead to the future to determine where you can capitalize on VAT opportunities and risks, if your activities change.
If we’ve done a scan and something in the VAT rules has since changed, could it have an impact on your fiscal position? If so, VAT INSTITUTE will proactively contact you to carry out a new VAT scan. That way, you’ll always know that you’re making the best use of VAT options and complying with all current regulations.
What to know if you’re running risks or missing opportunities with your VAT? Get in touch with VAT INSTITUTE. We’ll find out with a VAT scan.
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