The VAT portal was launched on the 18th of September, an initiative of VAT INSTITUTE in collaboration with Novak. The VAT portal is the most complete, independent and current online VAT knowledge platform in the Netherlands and discusses all conceivable VAT topics. The portal has been developed for tax specialists and accountants who regularly deal with complex VAT issues of clients or their own organization.
The VAT portal will be periodically updated, with new parts added each time, such as diagrams and model agreements. The VAT portal will be available in WoodWing Scienta, the online platform for knowledge exchange that is now widely used in the market. The VAT portal is designed by VAT INSTITUTE and Novak. VAT INSTITUTE is a specialist and independent consultancy specialized in the field of VAT. The experienced specialists of VAT INSTITUTE use their current knowledge and extensive experience to solve complex VAT issues in a targeted manner. Novak is the service organization for the SME accounting office. SME accounting firms can go to Novak for products and services with regards to quality control and professional technology in the fields of accountancy, taxation and the office organization (including HR and IT).
More information about the VAT portal and the subscriptions can be found here.
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