Are you asking yourself or your client the right questions about VAT? Are you getting the most out of your fiscal position? VAT INSTITUTE has the answers.
When it comes to VAT, the saying ‘What’s learned in the cradle lasts til the grave’ does not apply. Nor does ‘once a VAT specialist, always a VAT specialist’. VAT is a hugely dynamic world that is never stationary and constantly throws up surprises, new opportunities, and limitations. For many (tax) advisors, not least entrepreneurs, it’s virtually impossible to stay up to speed. Not for VAT INSTITUTE. VAT is our specialism. We keep track of developments and offer sound advice.
If you’re unaware that there are better VAT options out there, you’re unlikely to think of contacting VAT INSTITUTE for advice, but the earlier you or your client’s organization gets in touch, the sooner we can offer solutions before problems occur. If we examine a VAT process beforehand, we can make sure you get results in your returns. If you choose to involve us at a later stage in the process, it might not be possible to fix certain issues and the potential benefits will be lost forever.
Our advice can help you to save considerable amounts of money. In some cases, our advice will lead to a lower amount on your VAT return. Conversely, it may be that your VAT payments are higher than you had expected, but we’d be saving you a considerable financial penalty from the tax authorities that you’d ultimately have to pay as a consequence of any mistakes you may have made.
Changes in VAT rules can bring opportunities and risks for your VAT return, without you even realizing it. VAT INSTITUTE is always up to date on the latest changes and can let you know as soon as these might affect your organization.
Have a question or unsure about how to optimize your fiscal position? Please get in touch. We’d be happy to explain how we can help.
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